Backlash Brew
The Espy, 16/1/2010, Free Pots of Carlton Draught $4.80 (Total Rip off)
I know that The Espy has this big history of gigs and people love it, but I don't, not a fan, expensive drinks and this weird vibe. I'm always on edge when I go there, and even to St Kilda. The Espy attracts a wide cross spectrum of society, more than any other pubs, you can find locals, UK backpackers, International Tourists, and people from outer suburbs here.
Thumps up for Candice Monique & The Optics, thumbs down for Backlash Brew, for taking so long to take to the stage and do some tuning mid songs. Didn't manage to Speech De Belle, but was told that she found Backlash Brew playlist on stage and said who's is this, and threw it away.